Thursday, May 10, 2018

Quality over Quantity

She should have learned by now, not to make declarations of grand plans, and over-zealous projects, that she will never be able to complete.

She has failed at almost every aspect of her #50til50 project. She has not taken a self-portrait every day. She has not tried on her new jeans every day. She has not written a journal entry every day. The only two aspects that cling on for life yet are: eating healthy, avoiding most of her pitfall foods, and she is still getting at least 15,000 steps per day on her Apple Watch.

As she reflects on these failures, and few small triumphs, she knows she should stop making declarations.  Yet she keeps on, because the light at the end of the tunnel is this; she always learns things, important things from starting these plans and projects.

Sometimes her ideas are too grand. She doesn't have the right props, she doesn't have enough time, or she doesn't know the right place. When this happens, she loses all desire and her ideas go out the window.

Maybe her 50's will the decade when she learns to slow down, treasure quality or quantity, give herself permission to start projects and not finish them, growing from each lesson she learns from them, completing the ones that matter most.

1 comment:

  1. Slowing down and quality over quantity would be very valuable lessons. Besides - the things that she is doing - eating healthy and getting steps in are so much more important than trying on the jeans everyday. Sounds like Sadie is doing just fine! :-)


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