Monday, May 14, 2018

Book of Ideas

Monday morning. Thunder rattles the windows, and streaks of lightening spread across the sky. She has decided to skip her usual Monday morning chore of getting groceries. Choosing instead to stay in and write. She loves morning thunderstorms, they smother the light that always draws her outside like a siren's call. Instead she can stay in, wrapped in a fuzzy blanket and drink a cup of warm cinnamon tea.

It's a new week, and she has returned to this space. Over the weekend she realized how much she missed this place. It allows her freedom to explore who she is, who she wants to be. Writing has always been the path to discovery for her. On her other blog, where she is her confident photographer self, people expect just that - pretty pictures with a brief story. They are not tolerant readers, they don't want her to wander self-discovery for too long, maybe because it will touch too close to something in their own lives.

She needs a space where she can explore ideas, keeping those that ring true and discarding the rest. She does that to some degree in her daily Morning Pages, written as soon as she gets up. But the photographer in her also needs a visual piece that embodies the story. This place allows her to have intimacy, freedom, discovery, and visual delight. It also provides accountability, she has let a few people into this secret world. She works best if she has a purpose, even if the purpose is self-serving.

Ideas either come like a meadow full of wildflowers or they wither and dry up completely. She wishes they were more like a monthly seed club. Then she get some growing before the next batch arrived. A new idea catalog came in the the mailbox this weekend. She started reading it yesterday, she is pretty sure it is going to bring a meadow of abundant color.

1 comment:

  1. Ooooo - visual poetry! That seems like the perfect seed catalog.


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